County Judge Robert Akin issued a burn ban for Drew county, effective this morning.
Dallas County Medical Center_B
Head of the Class
Pines Broadcasting Company
Monticello Animal Clinic
ESA Staffing 2
One 11 Southern Graphics 1
Cass Martin Realty
Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A
Mingo Computer Consulting
Advertise With Monticello Live
Dallas County Medical Center_A
Prescription Pad Pharmacy
War Eagle Boats
Farmer’s Insurance Two
One 11 Southern Graphics 2
City Drug
UAM News
UAM Sports
Monticello Exxon
AM Rental & Sales
Searcy & Associates
State Farm Mark Gray
Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B
Monticello Tire (Goodyear)
Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.
Monticello Realty
O’Fallon Vet
Secure Storage 2
Bradley County Medical Center
Commercial Bank
When a news agency is busy covering local news, sometimes we forget to look in our own tracks.
But when we shine a flashlight back at the past two years, MonticelloLive has received 7 million page views, in 7 yearly quarters, according to
We want to say thank you to our readers, our sponsors. And the dozens of folks who will call and say, ” Hey Joe, what’s happening over at …… ”
Remember, ads start at $100/month & you’re ALWAYS on the FRONT PAGE, Call Joe at 367-0000 or AJ at 224-2450 for more info.
Money raised by this project will be given to a city employee, who ,is expcted to be off work for 6 months, for medical expenses, due to a serious illness.
Tonight’s Target, David Knight, water dept.
Saturday afternoon, Mayor Zack Tucker-1-3;
Laura Barnett-4 pm
Court Clerk Yukiko Bivens-5 pm
Water Dept. Charlie Hammock -6 pm
City Clerk Andrea Chambers- 7 pm
Winners at the Town and Gown Duplicate Bridge Club’s quarterly club championship game on Monday, September 21, 2015 were:
1st place Joann Hawley and Lowell Lynde
2nd place Joy and Fritz Hudson
3rd place Charles Dolberry and Gene Gulledge
A memorial service will be held for Eric Thompson. age 46 of Monticello, Monday at 6pm, at Pilgrim Rest AME Church, located at 522 North Bailey.
Eric was best known to Monticello residents through the years he spent his manager, and then owner, of Margaret’s Hair Academy on East Gaines Street.
He died on Sunday, 9/13/15, in Monticello.
His funeral service will be conducted, Wednesday, 1pm, at St. Paul AME Church, 311 North Division St., in Morrilton.
And Miss Drew County 2015 is ….
Monticello Elementary Schools Annual Title 1 Meeting, Monday September 21 at 5:00 in the MES Library.
A 40-year-old Monticello man was served an arrest warrant, Friday, on the charge of first-degree murder, for a shooting that occurred Sunday night.
Gracie is a currently living at the Monticello Animal Shelter, she has been there several weeks already. Because she is an older girl, we think she has been overlooked by potential adopters.
She is a female lab or lab mix and approx. 10 years old. Gracie deserves to be loved and have a safe home to live out her golden years.
As we watch the world & national news, even here it southeast Arkansas, we are realizing that world evernts are only beginning to affect our lives. This letter, written by Monticello’s Nancy Miller, brings that to an even more clearer reality. Joe B.
There is a mass exodus from the Middle East. Europe is overwhelmed. Christian families (direct descendants of the first believers at Pentecost) are stuck in Syria, merely existing in metal shipping containers. Awaiting ISIS/ISIL’s wrath.
After ending a 43 gave lsoing sreak< last week, the Drew Central Pirates were recognized, Wedesday night on KATV, channel 7. Congratulations Pirates.
Although City Attorney Witt Barton has recieved several friendly comments, such as, “I didn’t know you were that old,” the Barton Law Firm earned credit in Arkansas Business, this week, for being the 2nd oldest law firm in the state of Arkansas.
Its rich history, began in 1875, with its founders, W. F. Slemmons and William T. Wells.
Paul Quinton (PQ) Gardner, a businessman, former educator, World War II veteran, and lifelong resident of Drew County, age 91 died September 15, 2015, at his home in Monticello, Arkansas.
And the winners are…….
Union Bank 1
La Terraza
Mullis Insurance
Small Bites Pediatric Dentist
Farmer’s Insurance One
Citizen’s Bank 2
Seark Motorsports
Bone’s Auto Parts
UAM Trotter House A
A.J. Huffman Graphic Design
Frazer’s Funeral Home
Depaul Community Health Centers
South Arkansas Business Solutions
Searcy & Associates 2
AGUp Equipment
Citizen’s Bank 1
BCMC Family Care Clinic 1
Malco Theater 1
Farm Bureau
Mr. Bug
UAM Trotter House B
Union Bank 2
Immanuel Baptist Church
ESA Staffing
BCMC Family Care Clinic 2
Drew Farm
Burgess Process Service
Baker’s Electrical
Quality Plus Dry Cleaners
Malco Theater 2