Dallas County Medical Center_B
Head of the Class
Pines Broadcasting Company
Monticello Animal Clinic
ESA Staffing 2
One 11 Southern Graphics 1
Cass Martin Realty
Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A
Mingo Computer Consulting
Advertise With Monticello Live
Dallas County Medical Center_A
Prescription Pad Pharmacy
War Eagle Boats
Farmer’s Insurance Two
One 11 Southern Graphics 2
City Drug
UAM News
UAM Sports
Monticello Exxon
AM Rental & Sales
Searcy & Associates
State Farm Mark Gray
Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B
Monticello Tire (Goodyear)
Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.
Monticello Realty
O’Fallon Vet
Secure Storage 2
Bradley County Medical Center
Commercial Bank
During the early morning hours of October 21, the Drew County Sheriff’s Office, Monticello Fire Department and other first responders were dispatched to 134 Jose Chapel Cutoff Rd. in reference to a house fire.
During Drew Central’s annual Fall Festival, Monday night, a 12-year-old student fell off of a hayride trailer, and then was run over by the trailer.
The Monticello City Council met Tuesday evening, and discussed locations of the weather warnig sirens, passed a resolution authorizing the use of city property for the placement of weather warning sirens, and approved money to pay for the City’s Code Red weather warning system.
Local attorney Cliff Gibson, recently hired by the City Council to deal with the depths of confusion involved in the $10,000,000 water improvement project with Siemens, has hired an engineer to work on the project with him.
Attached is the letter he sent to the City Council members.
Also included in the letter were the selected firm’s vitae and list of qualifications.
Dear Mayor Rogers and Members of the City Council:
Consistent with your engagement of our Firm, I have reviewed the qualifications of the City’s regular engineering firm, (more…)
Following a July incident over the location of a trash dumpster, a Drew County woman complained to the Quorum Court, last month, about Judge Robert Akin.
Monday night, her father followed suit.
Shooting Trial Underway
Victim Testifies About Shooting
“Description of the Shooting”
16 Year Old Testifies in Shooting Trial
16 Year Old’s Mother Testifies
Defendant Testifies “Self Defense” in Shooting
At 5:50 PM, Friday, after only 20 minutes of deliberation, a jury of 3 men and 9 women returned a final verdict of not guilty in the trial of Jimmy Gibson for the November, 2013 shooting of a Star City man in northern Drew County.
Next, the 16 year olds boyfriend testified the the eventual victim had been harassing him.
After the jury returned from lunch, the defense questioned deputy Nichols briefly about the rifle in the back of the victims SUV.
At 11:30, a UAMS staff member was called to report the extent of the injuries to the hand, which was then air-lifted to Springfield, Missouri, due to their severity.
A responding EMT took the stand next, recalling that soon after their arrival Rose Hill Cutoff, a vehicle approached, causing the victim to yell, “It’s the dude that shot me!”
Wednesday morning, Monticello Police were contacted by US Marshals to assist in the capture of a felon wanted out of Mississippi.
On October 22, 2014, Cliff Gibson, the attorney hired by the City Council to represent the City of Monticello in their contract concerns with Siemens Industry, Inc. (Siemens), issued a letter to Siemens, outlining the City’s concerns.
The letter is addressed to Mr. Tony Ardillo. The following is a summary of that letter.
October 22, 2014
Dear Mr. Ardillo:
Our firm has been retained by the City of Monticello (City) relative to problems being experienced with the referenced Contract and the performance of Siemens Industry, Inc. (Siemens) thereunder. We write you now in behalf of the City.
Siemens’ Failure to Provide Legally Required Contractor Performance and Payment Bonds.
New Life Assembly of God Royal Rangers would like to thank UAM Wildlife Society along with Arkansas Game and Fish for assisting our boys on Wednesday, October 15, in learning about Arkansas Wildlife.
The boys made casts of wildlife tracks and learned about the different wildlife in our area. Arkansas Game and Fish provided pelts and other wildlife relics for the boys to explore.
The Monticello School Board met for their regular monthly meeting on Monday.
A number of reports were reviewed and approved, including the Accident Prevention and Safety Plan, the District Crisis Plan, Emergency Action Plan and Continuity of Operations Plan.The Board also approved the district’s Workmen’s Compensation Plan for 2014-2015.
Posted below is the most important segment of the final successful determination of Drew Memorial Hospital’s recent appeal to Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The 3rd annual “Dancing with the Monticello Stars” was held Tuesday night by the Southeast Arkansas Health Foundation, raising $30,847 for Drew Memorial Hospitas projects.
Last year , the foundation contributed $100,000 in donations to be used in the oncology dept., and a $15,000 donation to purchase a fetal monitor, among other items.
This years winners were….
Allan Nichols, Director of Mainline Health Systems, addressed the City Council at their meeting at last week’s City Council meeting, to ask for permission to purchase property adjoining the new fIre station on North Main Street, for the purpose of building a larger clinic.
Union Bank 1
La Terraza
Mullis Insurance
Small Bites Pediatric Dentist
Farmer’s Insurance One
Citizen’s Bank 2
Seark Motorsports
Bone’s Auto Parts
UAM Trotter House A
A.J. Huffman Graphic Design
Frazer’s Funeral Home
Depaul Community Health Centers
South Arkansas Business Solutions
Searcy & Associates 2
AGUp Equipment
Citizen’s Bank 1
BCMC Family Care Clinic 1
Malco Theater 1
Farm Bureau
Mr. Bug
UAM Trotter House B
Union Bank 2
Immanuel Baptist Church
ESA Staffing
BCMC Family Care Clinic 2
Drew Farm
Burgess Process Service
Baker’s Electrical
Quality Plus Dry Cleaners
Malco Theater 2