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2013 Farm Famly of the Year – Dr. Jason Cater & Family

April 25th, 2013 by

caterDr. Jason Cater’s Family has been named the 2013 Farm Family of the Year by the Drew County Farm Family Committee.

Story courtesy of Chance Wright, of The Advance

Dr. Cater, his wife, Sara, and sons, Tanner, 10, and Weston, 7, are cattle and poultry farmers.  “I grew up raising cattle,” Cater said. “I always knew this is something I wanted to do.”

In addition to raising cattle and poultry, Dr. Carter operates a veterinary clinic near his farm.  He said his boys will be the sixth generation of Caters to raise cattle on one part of his land.  “Right up the road is the land my family has farmed since the Civil War,” Cater said.

He said all those years his family raised cattle.  “My grandpa raised a little corn and cotton but in small amounts,” Dr. Cater said. “My dad became a teacher but raised cattle too.”  Sara said they added poultry to the operation in 2000.

Dr. Cater is passing his love for the farm on his children.  Sara said the boys already own their own cattle. Tanner owns two calves and Weston owns one.

Dr. Cater also serves as a school board member for Drew Central School District, where his boys attend school.

This year marks the 67th year of the Arkansas Farm Family of the Year Program and awards are given on the county, district and state levels. Since 1947, the Arkansas Farm Family of the Year Program has served as a vehicle to recognize outstanding farm families throughout the state.

The objectives of the Farm Family of the Year Program are: to give recognition and encouragement to farm families who are doing an outstanding job on their farm and in their community, to gain recognition of the importance of agriculture in the community and the state, and to disseminate information on improved farm practices and management.

Any farm family in Arkansas is eligible to be named an Arkansas Farm Family. The family may be an owner or a tenant, and may have income from sources other than agriculture.

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8 Responses to “2013 Farm Famly of the Year – Dr. Jason Cater & Family”

  1. Brenda Reed says:

    Congratulations to Jason and his family. Well deserved honor.

  2. Sheila says:

    The Caters are wonderful people.

  3. Mary Ann says:

    Congratulations! This is well deserved.

  4. Andy Briant says:

    Congrats Jason and family!!!

  5. Mrs. Cruce says:

    Congratulations to Jason, Sara, Weston, and Tanner. Jason comes from a wonderful family (Donny and Sue Cater).

  6. Mike McKeown says:

    Congrats to Jason & family-it is a well deserved honor and we are proud of ya’ll. From:
    Mike & Shirley

  7. Melissa Nash says:

    Congrats Dr Cater and family. Well deserved honor! Thanks for always being there for our animals!!!

  8. Pollyanna Elton says:

    I am so proud of Jason and Sara. They are honest, hard working and blessing to the community in which they live. I am priviledged to call them my friends and fellow church members.

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