Monticello Live

Monticello's Daily News

Edward Jones Mainline Health Systems
Arkansas Hospice Baptist Health Medical Center Drew County






Dallas County Medical Center_B

Dallas County Medical Center'

Head of the Class

Pines Broadcasting Company

Pines Broadcasting Company

Monticello Animal Clinic

Monticello Animal Clinic

ESA Staffing 2


Be A Weevil





One 11 Southern Graphics 1

ONE11 Southern Graphics

Cass Martin Realty

Cass Martin Realty

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A

Delta Memorial

Mingo Computer Consulting

Mingo Computer Consulting

Advertise With Monticello Live

Dallas County Medical Center_A

Dallas County Medical Center'

Prescription Pad Pharmacy

The Prescription Pad Pharmacy

War Eagle Boats

Farmer’s Insurance Two

One 11 Southern Graphics 2

ONE11 Southern Graphics


City Drug

City Drug


UAM News

UAM News

UAM Sports

UAM Sports

Monticello Exxon

Monticello Exxon

AM Rental & Sales

AM Rental & Sales

Searcy & Associates

Searcy & Associates

State Farm Mark Gray

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B

Delta Memorial

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Monticello Realty

Monticello Realty

O’Fallon Vet

0'Fallon Vet

Secure Storage 2

Bradley County Medical Center

Commercial Bank

Archive for May, 2011

Photos from Memorial Day Service at Courthouse

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011



Piano Recital by Joyce Pevey’s Students

Monday, May 16th, 2011

Several piano students of Joyce Pevey participated in a recital Sunday afternoon at Mt. Pleasant “Campground” United Methodist Church.

Front Row: Blake Middlebrooks, Jessica Beaty, Meredith Maynard, Hannah McAlpine, Kaia Young, Christine Bostian. Back Row: Tina Bostian, James Cathey, Joyce Pevey, Arnold Tullos. Not pictured, but participated in recital are: Anna Grace Bailey, Anna Groves and Anna Lewis. Many parents, family and friends of the students were also in attendance.

What is a “Sand Boil”?

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Wikipedia describes a sand-boil as, “effect caused by a difference in pressure on two sides of a levee or dike, most likely during a flood.”  This can cause a “piping ” effect.

There are currently 4 sand-boils in Chicot County, with the largest one being located near the Old Greenville Bridge (shown here).

Authorities are using sandbags to form a bordered body of water around it.  The water level of a sand-boil will go higher than the level of the river.  Sandbags can be added to make it taller.  If needed a large barrel, pipe, or culvert can be used. to keep the sand-boils from causing any damage.

Union Bank 1

La Terraza

Mullis Insurance

Sammy Mullis Insurance


Be A Weevil

Small Bites Pediatric Dentist

Farmer’s Insurance One

Citizen’s Bank 2

Citizen's Bank

Seark Motorsports

Seark Motorsports

Bone’s Auto Parts

Bone's Auto Parts


UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

A.J. Huffman Graphic Design

Frazer’s Funeral Home

Frazer's Funeral Home Warren

Depaul Community Health Centers

South Arkansas Business Solutions

Searcy & Associates 2

Searcy & Associates

AGUp Equipment

Citizen’s Bank 1

Citizen's Bank

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

Union Bank 2

Immanuel Baptist Church

ESA Staffing

BCMC Family Care Clinic 2

Drew Farm

Burgess Process Service

Burgess Process Service

Baker’s Electrical

Baker's Supply

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Malco Theater 2

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