Monticello Live

Monticello's Daily News

Edward Jones Mainline Health Systems
Arkansas Hospice Baptist Health Medical Center Drew County






Dallas County Medical Center_B

Dallas County Medical Center'

Head of the Class

Pines Broadcasting Company

Pines Broadcasting Company

Monticello Animal Clinic

Monticello Animal Clinic

ESA Staffing 2


Be A Weevil





One 11 Southern Graphics 1

ONE11 Southern Graphics

Cass Martin Realty

Cass Martin Realty

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_A

Delta Memorial

Mingo Computer Consulting

Mingo Computer Consulting

Advertise With Monticello Live

Dallas County Medical Center_A

Dallas County Medical Center'

Prescription Pad Pharmacy

The Prescription Pad Pharmacy

War Eagle Boats

Farmer’s Insurance Two

One 11 Southern Graphics 2

ONE11 Southern Graphics


City Drug

City Drug


UAM News

UAM News

UAM Sports

UAM Sports

Monticello Exxon

Monticello Exxon

AM Rental & Sales

AM Rental & Sales

Searcy & Associates

Searcy & Associates

State Farm Mark Gray

Delta Memorial Swing Bed_B

Delta Memorial

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Monticello Tire (Goodyear)

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Merchant & Planters Agency, INC.

Monticello Realty

Monticello Realty

O’Fallon Vet

0'Fallon Vet

Secure Storage 2

Bradley County Medical Center

Commercial Bank

Archive for November, 2010

Ridgeway Construction Update

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Many changes can be seen at "the Ridgeway" in the past month.


New windows are making a big difference in the appearance of the building.


H.M.W. can now be clearly read, above the Wells Building.

It adds a historic look to the view from the west.


Insulation is being added in the Wells Building.


Sheetrock is also being installed in the Wells Building.

The support system is being built in place for the elevator / stair tower.

In the main Ridgeway structure, more framing is being put into place.

3 men are shown working of different projects on the laundry /excercise area.

while another works on the roof membrane on the Wells building, recently.

One Monticello Life: The Marketplace, Drew County’s Industry of the Year

Sunday, November 21st, 2010


MonticelloLive on Vimeo.

The Drew County Industry of the Year award was recently presented to Launius Enterprises, also known as The Marketplace, at the MEDC/Chamber of Commerce banquet. The Marketplace is a 47,000 square foot building in which space is offered to individuals and businesses in order to sell their products. This week’s One Monticello Life tells of the beginning and growth of The Marketplace and its owners, Gene and Shelly Launius.

When Gene and Shelly Launius moved to Monticello from Hector in order for Gene to continue his education in forestry, an idea like The Marketplace never crossed their minds. Years later after owning J&L Timber Company and Prestige Home Furnishings, they purchased the old building that currently houses The Marketplace in hopes to lease the property to other companies. After numerous failed attempts, Gene had an idea and started the wheels rolling.

The Marketplace opened in September of 2009 with 77 booth spaces available and one man’s dream of becoming “THE” place to shop in Southeast Arkansas. The booths completely filled up within a few months so work quickly began to open up more of the building for additional spaces. Located at 249 Hwy 425 North in what most Monticellonians remember as the old Safeway grocery store, The Marketplace currently has 190 retail booth spaces between two parts of the building with future plans of more being added once the third phase of the building is finished.


Happy Birthday, Sue

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

Just thinking about the ‘good ole days’ and all the fun we use to have. Luv ya


City Council Approves $65,000 for Beautification of City Square

Thursday, November 11th, 2010


The Monticello City Council approved an additional $20,000 to add to the currently allocated $45,000, from several years ago, to be used for renovations and improvements to the Monticello City Square.

The modernization project will take place in four stages:

1.   fountain
2.   sidewalks
3.   columns
4.   sod

This is the same topic of last week’s meeting, where council member Claudia Hartness argued with the rest of the council over the improvements.  At that meeting, the council asked the square improvement committee to provide a drawing and cost estimates, which led to Wednesday night’s meeting.

Last week’s video has been viewd 425 time, so far.

MonticelloLive on Vimeo.

Monticello’s Stephanie Harton Featured on CBS Morning Show

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Stephanie Harton operates the weigh station for Potlatch, and provides the weather forecast for for their drivers.

Her “dream job” was to do the weather on the radio.  Thanks to the CBS morning show’s “Dream Job” series, that dream came true.

Last Friday, Harton was featured on the CBS Early Show, where she wasa shown broadcasting the weather on The Point 94.1.  She also got to go do the weather at KTHV Channel 11.

Stephanie told MonticelloLive, “The most fun I had was doing the afternoon show with Mike Kennedy and Sharpe Dunaway the past couple Fridays, I wish that was my full time job.”

Monticello Native Charles Crowson Departs KTHV, Accepting Baltimore Broadcasting Position

Monday, November 1st, 2010

After four years with KTHV, Charles Crowson is leaving Arkansas for a new position as morning anchor/multi-media journalist with WMAR in Baltimore, Maryland.

“It was an opportunity I simply couldn’t pass up,” Crowson said while signing off during his final broadcast on Today’s THV This Morning Oct. 29. “Arkansas is my home. It always has been and always will be, regardless of where my career takes me.” (more…)

One Monticello Life: Tommy Maxwell

Monday, November 1st, 2010

Allen and Ruby Lee Maxwell gave life to six children, one of which they named Tommy. It was May 4, 1949 when Tommy Maxwell came into the world in Warren, AR. Warren would be the city he would call home for all of his years growing up.

Life growing up was good in the Maxwell home. Allen worked with Arkansas Power and Light plus other side jobs that the kids were allowed to work with him.

“As kids, we helped dad with little odds and ends jobs like wiring and trimming trees. For fun, we loved to hunt and play sports. My favorite sport was football. I played until I hurt my back as a Junior in high school. I was injured during a game against Monticello High.” (more…)

Union Bank 1

La Terraza

Mullis Insurance

Sammy Mullis Insurance


Be A Weevil

Small Bites Pediatric Dentist

Farmer’s Insurance One

Citizen’s Bank 2

Citizen's Bank

Seark Motorsports

Seark Motorsports

Bone’s Auto Parts

Bone's Auto Parts


UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

A.J. Huffman Graphic Design

Frazer’s Funeral Home

Frazer's Funeral Home Warren

Depaul Community Health Centers

South Arkansas Business Solutions

Searcy & Associates 2

Searcy & Associates

AGUp Equipment

Citizen’s Bank 1

Citizen's Bank

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

Union Bank 2

Immanuel Baptist Church

ESA Staffing

BCMC Family Care Clinic 2

Drew Farm

Burgess Process Service

Burgess Process Service

Baker’s Electrical

Baker's Supply

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Quality Plus Dry Cleaners

Malco Theater 2

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