Monticello Firefighters Spent 6 hours Battling "Old Bradley Mill" Fire in Warren, Saturday Night. Photo by David Forrest, of the Guesthouse.
On a day when emergency personnel are recognized across the nation, our local fire dept, police officers, sheriff’s deputies, state troopers, and both ambulance services were busy proving how important they are to our community.
Here’s a portion of their day…….
Before midnight Friday, Monticello Fire & Rescue was paged out to a single car wreck on HWY 293 near Selma, where an Oldsmobile’s 3 passengers needed them. Arkansas State Troopers worked the wreck, assisted by Drew County Sheriff’s Deputies. SEEMS transported the 3 victims to Drew Memorial. Although it turns out that Fire & Rescue weren’t needed, the caller who reported the crash believed the 3 victims were pinned inside the vehicle.
Prior to this Arkansas State Troopers had made 3 DWI arrests late in the evening, protecting Drew County drivers.

4 am Car Crash on Barkada Road, Saturday.
Around 4am, Saturday morning, a Chrysler 300 crashed into a tree, 4 miles out, on Barkada Road. The person who called this in reported that the driver was still inside the car, and it looked like the car was on fire. Fire & Rescue were called out to save the crash victim. When Drew County Deputies arrived on the scene, with Fire & Rescue right behind them, it was discovered that the “possible fire” was “air bag dust”, but at 4 in the morning, the caller couldn’t tell. MASI transported the driver to DMH. Triple A towed the vehicle.

First Responders Recognized by Local Veterans at Flag Dedication Ceremony at 1st Baptist Church
Several of our emergency personnel were recognized for their dedication and service, during a flag and flagpole dedication at First Baptist Church at 10 o’clock, by our local veteran’s organizations and Woodmen of the World.

House Fire at Dead Man's Curve, Saturday, 12:45.
Many of them attended a Community Prayer Rally at the Drew County Courthouse at noon, but were called out to a double-wide mobile home at 12:45, which was called in “the cars are there, but no one is standing outside.” The photo shows how engulfed the structure was when it was called in. Firefighters battled the blaze for 4 hours, hauling water from Carpenter Road, 1.5 miles away, until the fire was out. Also worth noting, SEEMS came to the scene, “just in case” there would’ve been someone inside who needed medical care, and also, Sheriff Gober, an off-duty auxiliary deputy, and an area constable were at the fire, in case they were needed.

SEEMS Displayed a U. S. Flag on their Ambulance, in Honor of 9/11, Saturday
After getting the trucks ready for their next call, whatever it may be, and a very late lunch (at around 4:30), they got to sit down for the first time all day.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of the day for the Monticello Fire Dept. The “Old Bradley Mill” in Warren caught on fire around 11 pm, Saturday night, and they were called to assist Warren’s Fire Dept. Monticello’s firefighters arrived back at the fire-station 6 hours later.
Throughout the day, our Monticello Police and Drew County Sheriff’s Deputies answered calls of all types, around the clock. SEEMS and MASI were on duty, providing their services, as always, at a moments notice. The emergency room staff at Drew Memorial were ready and waiting, for whatever illness or injury came through the door next.
There wasn’t a minute of the day that there wasn’t a dispatcher standing by take you call, in case of emergency at MPD, ready to send whichever of these dedicated public workers your way, in your time of need.
As we look back on 9/11/2001, we should also recognize that same dedication that our Drew County emergency personel serve us with.