Wolf Creek Baptist Camp, which in located south of the Collins community, has had a positive effect on several generations of South Arkansas young people.

After a long day of volleyball, kickball, and waiting in line at the “snack shack”, I remember sitting in the same tabernacle back in the ’70’s, listening to speaker preaching to “kids my age”. Then everyone would gather around the campfire for “current” favorites, like Pass It On and He’s Everything To Me.

Well, Wolf Creek’s history of bringing kids out into the country, and into a spiritual week, filled with wholesome activities, as well as Bible study and worship, is still taking place, with the Delta Baptist Assocation’s Camp, which will be concluding today.Â

This year, 107 children took part in the week long camp, representing 15 different churches.

The camp pastor this year is Terry Sayers, from Kelso Baptist Church. The director, Teresa Kelley, attends Bayou Mason Church, near Lake Village. Also leading in the activities were Coy & Vivian Sample, who serve as Missionaries to Africa.
With all of the trials and temptations that our young people face everyday, it sure is good to see that God is still using camps like Wolf Creek, to give them a Godly based backgound to build upon.