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Archive for March, 2008

One Monticello Life: Sgt. Larry Smith

Sunday, March 30th, 2008


Sgt. Larry Smith, Sr.
Criminal Investigator
Monticello Police Department

I have known Larry Smith for several years, but never really spent much time around him, until my wife’s truck was broken into a couple of years ago, and he worked the case.

When I started covering the Police Dept. for MonticelloLive,  I began to consider Larry to be a good friend.  I, like so many others was shocked to here about Larry’s battle with cancer.  There are a couple of links below that will take you to the story about the wristbands that local police officers are selling, information about the cook-out to help cover Larry’s medical expenses on April 11 & 12, and photos from Larry’s recent plane ride over Lake Monticello. 


But first, here is this week’s One Monticello Life edition, written by Larry’s longtime, family friend, Trish Harvey.


ML Feature Story—-Sgt. Larry Smith’s Plane Ride Over Lake Monticello

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008


Sgt. Larry Smith, a detective with the Monticello Police Department, has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Larry had recently told another employee of the police department that one thing he’d really love to do, would be to fly over Lake Monticello, and of course, go fishing.


Several of his friends knew of someone who had a plane that he used for business trips.


By now, you can see where this story is leading. 

Wednesday morning, Larry’s wish came true, when Ward Rabb took him for an aerial view of Lake Monticello and the surrounding area.


The photos above show Larry in the plane, waiting for take-off, taking off, and landing.  Larry’s expression shows how much he enjoyed the ride.  When asked how everything looked, Larry simply said, “Small.”


Shown here are Drew County deputy, Larry Smith, Jr., Monticello Police Dept. members, Jerald Clark, Larry Smith, Eddy Deaton, and Trish Harvey.  Also shown are Ward Rabb, and Chief Robert Rosegrant.  Not shown are Game & Fish officer John Paul Greer, MPD’s Ginger Norris, and Shelly Rabb.

Special thanks to Ward and Shelly Rabb for making this possible.


Oh, yeah, I forgot something.

Larry is shown here crappie-fishing in Gail Hyatt’s pond, later on in the day.


Although these fish were caught in Alaska, last year, I put them in because Larry said if he didn’t catch many, to find a good picture. 

Well, that’s Larry for you.

“20 for the Future” Returns from Washington D.C.-Photos Added

Saturday, March 8th, 2008


“20 for the Futrue” listens to Congressman Mike Ross, as he explains how he will support issues in Monticello & Drew County.


Monticello delegatin with Congressman Mike Ross ouside of his office.


Senator Blance Lincoln, Benny Ryburn, Dave Dickson, Sheilla Lampkin, and Judy Lassiter discussing Drew County’s needs in Senator Lincoln’s office.


Senator Blanche Lincoln with “20 for the Future”.

Photos courtesy of Curtis Larsen, of Union Bank.


Monticello’s “20 for the Future” group left Tuesday, on their annual trip to Washington D.C., and returned late Thursday night.

While in Washington, they met with Congressman Mike Ross, Senator Blanche Lincoln, and staff members for our area’s other representatives.

They were also able to watch U.S. Senator Mark Pryor making a presentatin from the Senate floor.

MonticelloLive spoke to a couple from the group.  One member said, “with an effort like this, it will be next year before you know how much was accomplished”.  Another who was present commented, “Everyone we visited with seemed to be concerned.  They were also helpful with suggestions on other, possibly better, ways to achieve our goals.” 

Last year the group flew in to Nation’s Capitol during a snowstorm, and this year they arrived in Little Rock on the return trip with reports of snow as well.

New Ladder Truck for Monticello Fire Dept.

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008


Monticello’s Fire Dept.’s new ladder truck came in today.

The 105 foot reach ladder truck was the result of an application that was made to a grant program, involving the Arkansas Forestry Commission.

The unit had been involved in the Navy’s station at Corpus Christi, TX, where our firefighters went to pick the truck up, and drove it to Monticello, arriving around 4 p.m. this afternoon.

Notice the size of the vehicle compared to the men standing next to it.

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UAM Trotter House A

UAM Trotter House

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Searcy & Associates

AGUp Equipment

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Citizen's Bank

BCMC Family Care Clinic 1

Malco Theater 1

Farm Bureau

Mr. Bug

Mr. Bug

UAM Trotter House B

UAM Trotter House

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